I have over 16, 000 files to check.
Add a module, and add a Reference to the latest version of DAO (ie DAO 3.6 at time of writing.) You can then use the following function:
Public Function GetVersion(pstrFilePath As String) As String
' Copyright 2002 Superior Software for Windows
' www.ssw.com.au All Rights Reserved.
' 1.0 DDK 17/10/2002 Determine Version of a file in a path.
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim strVersion As String
Const conPropertyNotFound As Integer = 3270
On Error GoTo Err_GetVersion
' Open the database and return a reference to it.
Set dbs = OpenDatabase(pstrFilePath)
' Check the value of the AccessVersion property.
strVersion = dbs.Properties("AccessVersion")
' Return the two leftmost digits of the value of
' the AccessVersion property.
strVersion = Left(strVersion, 2)
' Based on the value of the AccessVersion property,
' return a string indicating the version of Microsoft Access
' used to create or open the database.
Select Case strVersion
Case "02"
GetVersion = "2.0"
Case "06"
GetVersion = "7.0"
Case "07"
GetVersion = "8.0"
Case "08"
GetVersion = "9.0"
Case "09"
GetVersion = "10.0"
End Select
MsgBox "Access Database Version is " & GetVersion
On Error Resume Next
Set dbs = Nothing
Exit Function
If Err.Number = conPropertyNotFound Then
MsgBox "This database hasn't previously been opened " & _
"with Microsoft Access."
MsgBox "Error: " & Err & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End If
Resume Exit_GetVersion
End Function
Method 2
Recent machines usually have MS Scripting Runtime (Part of Windows), and not necessarily DAO, so this method may be suitable.
You can also use the FileSystemObject from the scripting runtime to accomplish this.
Function GetVersion()
'Reference: Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Dim strAccess97 As String
strAccess97 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office97\Office\MSACCESS.EXE"
MsgBox "strAccess97 - " & fso.GetFileVersion(strAccess97)
'Returns - strAccess97 -
Dim strAccess2000 As String
strAccess2000 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 2000\Office\Msaccess.exe"
MsgBox "strAccess2000 - " & fso.GetFileVersion(strAccess2000)
'Returns - strAccess2000 -
Dim strAccess2002 As String
strAccess2002 = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office XP\Office10\MSACCESS.EXE"
MsgBox "strAccess2002 - " & fso.GetFileVersion(strAccess2002)
'Returns - strAccess2002 - 10.0.2627.1
'The following is an easier method
' However it will only COMPILE and work in Access 2002
' Consequently that means it is pretty useless
MsgBox "Application.Version - " & Application.Version
'Returns in Access 2002 - Application.Version - 10.0
MsgBox "Application.Build - " & Application.Build
'Returns in Access 2000 - Application.Build - 2627
End Function